About anime@UTS
We are a chill and welcoming community of students brought together by a mutual respect for quality (and trash ;) ) anime. Members old and new have always enjoyed gathering regularly at our events to play tabletop games, video games, hang out, talk anime, and eat! We often collaborate with our network of other anime clubs, as well as other clubs within UTS, to bring amazing events to all members. Our club is also sponsored by many organizations that share our passion for anime, which allows us to provide all sorts of discounts to members of our club.

Disillusioned with the traveling distance to the screenings held at the UNSW campus, Ian Chen decided to go about creating a club at his own university to allow other students at UTS a chance to see anime series and movies they had not been able to previously. Using the resources available to him as an exec of the CompSoc at UTS he was able to hold weekly anime screenings which attracted a small number of devotees through word of mouth alone. Not long after this he petitioned the union to make an official Anime club at UTS, and thus the club was formed in 2001 - winning the best new club of award at the university.

Current Execs
We have many execs. More info will be added when we finish exec introductions.