Attention all Gundam enthusiasts! We are bringing back our Gundam Workshop from last year, bigger and better than ever! We're collaborating with AnimeMQ to make this sequel worth remembering!

šŸ˜¢ Don't own any Gunpla? šŸ˜¢ Like last time, this is a BYO event, so you are required to bring your own kit. Feel free to meet some of our execs at Hobbyco QVB, an hour before the event to make any last minute purchases and ask for our recommendations.

We will have some tools available to be borrowed, but they will be given out on a first come, first serve basis. As such, it's best to bring your own tools. All you need to get started are a pair of nippers!

šŸ˜­ I am but a lowly beginner, what am I to do? šŸ˜­ We'll be going through the basics of gunpla including:

ā€¢ Cleaning up parts ā€¢ Assembling kits ā€¢ Posing kits ā€¢ Photographing your kits

Feel free to come along and build even if you're an experienced builder, or just to hang out!

We will also be having a free raffle for all members attending! The winner will receive a Gundam HG Aerial Rebuild kit!

šŸ™ļø Where: UTS B10.03.460 ā° Time: 1:00 - 6:00 pm šŸ“… Date: 24/04/24 (Wednesday)

We're excited to see you there!

Apr 24th, 2024
1:00 pm - 6:00 pm
UTS CB10.03.460
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