20th Anniversary Party

Event Title: Anime@UTS: 20th Anniversary Party

Hello, everyone! We were eagerly preparing to celebrate 20 years of Anime@UTS! and were super excited to have you all. Whether you're an old member or a new, past officer or current anime club member, we cherish your enthusiasm for anime we all connect with. In light of recent developments, we're sorry to inform you that this anticipated event stands cancelled.

The party was planned to be held at UTS Underground and we had an array of exciting events charted out. From trivia, cosplay competition to board games and our adored anime cover band, Wasabi Galaxy was supposed to tune the night's rhythm.

All those who have secured their tickets, fret not, all purchased tickets will be fully refunded, but don't lose hope. We're already in motion planning more events for the near future.

Even though the schedule has changed and unfortunately had to adjust the Anime@UTS: 20th Anniversary Party, we encourage you to stay updated with us for other events which will run until 11:00 pm on the 3rd of September, 2023.

Who Can Attend?

Anyone who has ever been a part of Anime@UTS or wishes to bask in the glory of anime culture. Keep your eyes peeled for our future events!


Our upcoming events are scheduled until Saturday, 3rd September, 2023 - till 11 pm.


UTS Underground

Why Attend?

Align with other enthusiasts, form new bonds, and celebrate the glory of Anime@UTS!

Want more information on the upcoming events? Stay tuned to our event page here

Terms & Conditions

Only 18+ are allowed entry (Don't forget to carry a valid ID). Keep an eye on the ticket sales for our future events!

Other Important Announcements

  1. The SAO event kicks-off tomorrow at 5 pm. Be the first five to join and win two passes each! \
  2. If you've graced the camp, please fill out this feedback form to help us level up future camps.

For inquiries, send us an email at president@animeuts.activateuts.com.au

Jan 22nd, 2023
6:00 pm - Sep 3rd, 2023 11:00 pm
UTS Underground