AnimeMQ x Anime@UTS on Ice!

AnimeMQ x Anime@UTS on Ice!

Get those calendars ready, our frosty adventure is happening tomorrow! The icy times are upon us, and we've got a perfect plan to help you embrace the chill and have fun. Is your heart racing with thrill yet?

Can you hear, my heartbeat?

Brace yourself to chill 🥶 out with our splendid community at Anime@UTS and AnimeMQ. Your future best buddies might just be a glide away!

We're launching our very first party with AnimeMQ and we're buzzing to share our Ice Skating jamboree ❄️ (The wait is almost over!)

Ensure this enthralling news doesn't slip by 🎿:

Who's our crowd? Everyone!

What's the agenda? Ice Skating! (Stick around afterwards for a scrumptious dinner!)

What's the location? Macquarie Ice Rink

What's the new day and time? Tomorrow, 10:30am - 3:15pm (Make sure to show up a bit earlier, so we can all get you in as a group. Be there as early as 10:30am)

Why should you be there? To create some memorable moments! 🌀 (And, of course, to make lasting friendships with peers from your and other universities!)

What's the investment? $26 (Keep in mind, you can use your dine & discover voucher for your entry!)

To hop onto this icy ride, sign up by clicking here.

Let's get our skates clamped on and brace the frost! 😄

Apr 24th, 2022
10:45 am - 3:15 pm
Macquarie Ice Rink