R U OK? Day Screening: A Silent Voice

Event Title: R U OK? Day Screening: A Silent Voice

This event has been rooted in the belief that a conversation can mean the world to someone else. R U OK? is a leading suicide prevention initiative based in Australia, which emphasizes the importance of observing the signs of mental health issues in people around us. In line with this cause, anime@UTS is set to conduct its foremost online screening through our digital platform on the day dedicated to R U OK? We open the screening at 7 pm to enhance and broaden the understanding of mental health.

We've chosen to screen the compelling 2016 production "A Silent Voice" (Koe no Katachi), which graphically demonstrates the profound impact our mental health can have on us. This work of art is produced by Kyoto Animation and has been intricately woven by Naoko Yamada. This narrative educates its audience about acknowledging and coping with mental health issues and disabilities. "A Silent Voice" is such a masterpiece in execution that even those who've already watched it once would find a renewed appreciation and understanding on every subsequent viewing.

Get more info about the event from our Event Page and learn more about the R U OK? initiative from the website.

Additional Update

Don't forget! Our FNG season 2 starts tonight with slappyball up as our new game (it's free by the way), all the details are mentioned above! We also have a new feature that everyone will enjoy, a fun bot and our premiere screening of "A Silent Voice" will be on R U OK Day, which falls on the 9th of September.

Sep 9th, 2021
7:00 pm -