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anime@UTS Logo
For everyone interested in Anime & Manga at UTS
Miki and panda celebrating the 20th anniversary

Welcome to Anime@UTS!

We are the social club you are looking for if you are even slightly interested in anime & manga culture. Whether you are an ultra weeb who has seen 500+ anime or someone who has never watched anime before, we welcome and have something for everyone. 2020 Winner of the ActivateUTS club’s contributor of the year award, as well as the 2021 winner of the Best Team Spirit award, we are always working hard to make your university life as fun & enriching as possible.

Events at anime@UTS!

We feature a wide variety of events from Anime Trivias, Arcade tours, Gaming Events, Karaoke, Chill sessions, Movie outings, Dinners, anime screenings, charity events, food events, beach visits, camp, parties and so much more! All of our internal events are free to members! We are always thinking about new fresh event ideas to bring our members more fun and experiences they haven't had before.
A photo of members playing board games at a table
Chill Sessions
A group of members waiting for yakisoba to be cooked on a BBQ
Dinners & BBQ’s/Food
Anime UTS fundraising poster for Kyoto Animation
Charity Fundraisers
A group photo of members going to see a movie
Movie outings
Trivia event poster with all four anime Sydney club mascots waving flags
Anime Trivias
Members watching a movie in building 1
Anime screenings
Members in building 1 playing card games at long tables
Card Games
Anime Sydney members at a camp playing trivia
Camp & parties!
Anime UTS poster for SMASH!
Anime conventions
DaWu at an arcade game
Anime UTS poster for a culture festival
Japanese Festivals & Culture

Creating fun events for all kinds of anime and manga fans, no matter your experience level!




Annual events
For our official posts and event details
The main place for the community, find everything you need here!
Find our event photos and event announcements!
See occasional updates and event announcements!

Group photo of people at an Anime Sydney camp

Anime Sydney

Anime@UTS is part of the club association called AnimeSydney. AnimeSydney consists of anime@UTS, animeMQ, animeUNSW and SUAnime, all of which are university-based anime clubs in major Sydney universities. We frequently collaborate on large events such as Halloween cruises, easter party, camp, trivias and maybe even maid cafés. Check out more of AnimeSydney below!